Contact Export: Filter total contributions on a specific date range
Robert Hartman
Be able to see the total transactions by Contact for the filtered date range.
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Sabrina Schnell
Important for non-profits for end of year reports.
Yvette Niemeyer
Definitely need this!
Robert Hartman
So I stumbled onto this, and I'm guessing more non-profits would need this functionality as well. In the process of trying to export my Transactions for the Quarter and then sum them up per donor as some donors make more than 1 transaction, I couldn't get my Custom Fields in the Transaction Export. So GB told me to use the Contacts Export which gave me all my custom fields, however, it only give me the lifetime Total Contribution per contact even if I date range the transactions for the Contact Export.
So this is a fundamental need for my non-profit. We track donor engagement not on a calendar year (as does GiveButter) but on a Fiscal Year. So this means I have to do the following to get Individual Donor Totals for a given date range:
1) Export Transactions within a date range
2) Export Contact that have transactions within same date range
3) Run a PivotTable in Excel on Transactions to get total amount per Contact ID
4) Use Vlookup to pull the transaction total per donor from the PivotTable into the Contact File
While this can be done and if you are an excel wiz, then it shouldn't take you long, but I think this should be a fundamental export capability that should exist within GB.