Add a company field to the checkout page
in progress
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Christopher Uzzi
Passing good work forward
David Diskin
I use the "Household" field for company name. How would this change affect that? Perhaps that field could be renamed to "Company/Household" or something like that?
This will be important for the upcoming Invoice feature.
Mo Maloney
marked as in progress, will we be notified when it's completed? Will we be able to edit our current company sponsor entries?
Liran Cohen
in progress
Mo Maloney
this is beyond important, corporate donors are vital to the financial health of the organization
Kristie LaRocca
Ability to allow the company to be a contact without a first and last name.
Tammy Carroll
This is tremendously important. Also, I have people who are both the a donor as an individual AND the contact for a business that is donating. When you develop this, please allow the Company to have it's own record with a person has a contact.
Michael Gilbert
This is really important
Liran Cohen
DeAnn Colegrove
Liran Cohen: ETA?
Anthony Spano Foundation
Liran Cohen: Do we have an ETA on this?
Liran Cohen
Anthony Spano Foundation: The Company field is already available on our Form campaign types, which use our new version of our donation forms ( We are working on making the Company field available across all campaign types in the first couples months of the new year.
DeAnn Colegrove
That is a HUGE deal! What is everyone doing now? What is the status of this upgrade?
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