Alert donors when making a recurring donation
Gidon Ariel
Add a "Heads Up" popup when making recurring (annual or monthly) the default frequency for a campaign.
This would greatly reduce the number of inadvertent recurring donations and the need to refund these donors.
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Liran Cohen
Alexandria Flores
I suggest the incorporation of an option that allows donors to schedule a stop date for their recurring contributions.
Understanding that a significant portion of our donors fall within the elderly demographic, we recognize the importance of simplifying and streamlining processes. While donors can currently manually pause or stop their recurring payments, we acknowledge that this can be a cumbersome process for many.
The proposed feature would enable donors to set a predetermined time frame during which they wish their recurring donations to persist. This adjustment aims to provide a more user-friendly experience, especially for our elderly donors who may find the current procedure intricate.
Jesse Saldana
Jeff Mcginnis
Yes. have asked for this for a while. The UX is not good, and such an easy fix I do not like getting frantic communication from donors that they did not mean to give monthly. PLEASE GB improve the UI, add a couple of tabs to make it clear to givers; don't make them think, or worse, don't lead them to make unforced errors that lead to donor complaints.