Create Tier or Level of Donations
Solaris Blackwood
The ability to have donors pledge between two donation amounts in order to label/order them into tiers or levels of donation.
Also the ability to label/order/filter donors who donate between these certain amounts with certain "statuses", such as "Platinum" or "Gold" levels.
For example, a donor has the option to pledge/donate between these amounts:
1) greater than 10,000
2) 4000 to 10000
3) 1000 to 4000
4) Below 1000
When they donate between those amounts or pledge to, they are given a label/status such as:
1) greater than 10,000 - Platinum Level
2) 4000 to 10000 - Gold Level
3) 1000 to 4000 - Silver Level
4) Below 1000 - Bronze Level
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Cherie Catron
this would be very helpful as we could better direct business sponsors to your event link. Instead because this feature is not available, I have to request manual checks unless i send them the giving link & there is no way to really separate sponsors from individual donors.
Lloyd Deviney
We provide some donor benefits at higher giving levels, so it would be helpful if there was a way to set the value of goods provided at the different levels so the 501(c)(3) receipt could contain a "deductible amount." So if we had a $250 - $500 tier that had donor benefits with a fair market value of $50, and the donor gave $300, then the receipt would list $300 as the donation amount and $250 as the deducible amount.
Mariann Williams
Yes, please!
Hiwot Alemayehu
Thank you ... we do this with our organization a lot and it is very common. This type of feature will help us with our fundraising activities.