Dynamic donation amounts depending on recurring frequency selection
Tori Meglio
The ability for admin's to modify the custom donation amounts based on the recurring frequency selected by a donor.
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Jordan Patrick
Jordan Patrick
in progress
Liran Cohen
in progress
Brandon Darnell
Liran Cohen Any update on progress?? Ready before Giving Tuesday?? PLEASE????
Jordan Patrick
Brandon Darnell - Dynamic donation amounts are currently available for "Forms" but not quite yet for "Pages/Events".
These will be updated for Pages & Forms soon but not prior to Giving Tuesday.
Jesse Saldana
Kait Cogswell
Merged in a post:
Change the donation levels when toggling between one time and monthly donation
Kit Anderson
Ability to change the donation levels when the user toggles between "one time" and "monthly" donations in the campaign form.
Jessica Schwartz
Yes, please! This is especially critical when the one-time amounts are higher. Imagine a donor ACCIDENTALLY making a $500 or $1,000 monthly gift instead of a ONE-TIME.
Kait Cogswell
Merged in a post:
Donation Amounts Depending on Donation Type
Jessica Lee
Show different custom donation amounts by donation type (Monthly versus one-time).
If someone selects the monthly donation type, they should see a specific donation amount, versus the options displayed for a one-time donation.
Danielle Kreie
Yes, this is something that is definitely lacking! The default amounts for a monthly gift should be different than for a one-time gift.
Kait Cogswell
Merged in a post:
Unique Monthly and One-Time Donation Values
Kate Rogers
Allow a different set of values for one-time versus monthly donations.
Karen Lunde
Yes, please, allow a different set of values for one-time versus monthly donations
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