Landing Page Customization
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Tricia Vos
Customization of the Landing Page is essential! A random list of 6 campaigns, without the ability to reorder is not as useful to donors or to organizations as it could be. Organizations need to be able to display the campaigns in an order of their chosing .- and show more than 6 if desired. Agree with Advocates of Sacred re the visual display as well - these features are enabled in a Giving Hub so why not make the Landing page consistent visually and more useful?
Advocates of Sacred
I'd like donors be able to see a landing page like this, which is a standard page on fundraising sites offering donors options. So, why not provide the same allowing donors to choose which project they'd like to support among multiple ones for a single nonprofit?
Shannon Emery
Advocates of Sacred We're needing the same customization options! Why not allow all of our fundraising campaigns to show - without having to create a landing page where only three campaigns are listed? Supporters should be able to see all of our different options. And it would be much more helpful to be able to choose which order they appear, not just in the order we create them (which becomes problematic if funds have been received for any campaign).
Tinworks Art
Would also love to be able to organize the order of events on the landing page.
Liz Voss
Tinworks Art - Yes to this! We are getting complaints from potential donors because the events are not in order.
Shannon Emery
Tinworks Art Same here! We'd like to be able to organize campaigns based on greatest need, and not get stuck with the order we created them.
Tinworks Art
Would love to have more than 6 events of the landing page, seems like an ask to have visitors click through multiple pages of events. How about a page you can scroll down through everything.
Emalee Thitthavong
Add the option to choose which campaigns appear on the Landing Page
Emalee Thitthavong
Add the option to re-order campaigns on the Landing Page
Tori Meglio
Ron Gee
Would love the ability to add our own CSS. That would make detailed customization very easy. And GiveButter could have guidelines on what is or isn't allowed, like not hiding certain elements.