Per-ticket customizable receipts
Amber Ferrero
The option to customize receipt thank you messages per ticket type. The tax-deductible amount varies by type.
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Ann Perri
We are specifically looking to get the captured custom fields - at the per ticket level - placed on the ticket. In the following locations: The ticket PDF, the receipt the purchaser receives, and the email we receive when a ticket is bought. It seems uncanny these ticket custom fields would have been rolled out, without those fields populated on the receipts, but here we are. Any expediting to fix this would be appreciated.
that I will also add, per-ticketthis probably isn't the right thread for this, but when I reached out to tech support, this is the "feature request" I was added to. I think it's more a "bug report" than a feature request. :) But either way hope it gets fixed soon.
Nicole Touzien
For hybrid events, we need to be able to send virtual ticket holders with separate messaging that includes the link to the livestream.
Meredith Friedman
This is super important and is surprising that it's missing. Any fundraising platform should allow you to have a recieptable amount. Don't you have this native to your auction module already? It should definitely be on event tickets as well.
Todd Orner
This is a VERY VERY important feature for anyone collecting more than simple straight donations. It's critical that I'm able to generate an receipt that reflects the true tax deductible amount. My 'real world' example is coming up in August. My foundation hosts an evening at a local playhouse. Tickets sell for $50 and cost us $25. That would mean only $25 is eligible for tax deduction consideration. My initial crowdfunding solution provider (GivingTools) has this feature baked into their campaign set up (see attached pictures) as "Value of goods received." If I don't have the capability to deduct the 'value of goods received' from an item, I will be forced to manually generate an additional receipt (acknowledgement of gift) for each transaction that shows the amount that is actually deductible. Thank you for your consideration. I will be happy to answer any questions.
The pictures: The Giving Levels portion of the campaign setup page where 'value of goods received' is input; The summary the donor sees before finishing the transaction; The body of the receipt/acknowledgement EMail the donor receives -- Please note that the summary and receipt show both the total transaction ($20) amount AND the Total Tax Deductible ($15) amount.
OLD - Kim Farrier
This is helpful for us, since we use these forms for more than just donations, the language currently says donate, not payment. which adds confusion.
Special Needs Respite Inc
This is a great suggestion. For our events, sponsorships also include a logo, so right now we either have to say, "if you've purchased a sponsorship, send you logo to blah" or set up a Zap to trigger on my copy of the email, see if the amount matches a sponsorship amount, then trigger an email - which is a big kludge.
Angelina Denomme
This would also be great for virtual events! Being able to include different Zoom links for different ticket types would be helpful for the way we're using ticket types.