Registration fundraising
in progress
Tori Meglio
The ability for team members to register and create a fundraising page in the same transaction flow.
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Louise McDonald
where "IN PROGRESS" is it?
Louise McDonald
The is a really big element for Walks
Heather Denkmire
Hoping for: "When someone makes a donation they are automatically connected to that campaign so they can be added to a team by the admin."
Jason Reynolds
Really hope this will be an optional capability. We don't plan to have donors or auction bidders promote their own fundraising pages.
Sunny Ellis
Merged in a post:
Add Join a Team option to donation flow
Rita Lusing
To have the "Join A Team" added as an option to the main donation flow.
Emily Piekut
hi Elaine Makikalli can you give us an update? I see it was marked as in progress! 🎉
Paul Aleskovsky
This will be a wonderful addition. However I see comments that are now 4+ years old. Is there ANY timeline established yet for this to become a reality?
Urszula Filipek
This is a must for in-person events like walks. The main button is Register/Donate but the registrant/walk participant can't create the personal page at the time of registration. Only when you Join the Team (secondary button - much less visible), you have an option to create the page and register for the event.
Elaine Makikalli
in progress
Sebastian Ojeda
Is there an update on this?
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