Support Apple Pay inside the Embeddable Form
Tori Meglio
Currently, the Apple Pay payment options will not appear in the embedded form, as they are blocked from appearing in iFrames.
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Arve Solli
I really need this, and can not understand why it is not supported. It is basic functionality
Lore Burek
How are people addressing this currently?
I'm trying to keep traffic on my primary site, but without apple pay I may just have to bounce to the event page.
Daraius Dubash
With much fanfare, Givebutter touts that they accept digital wallets.
But when you read the fine print, you can't use them for recurring payments and can't embed them in iFrames.
Both Donately and Donorbox allow you to use digital wallets for recurring payments.
Sam Lancaster
I'd like to add onto this request that google/apple pay also be available for recurring gifts when it's embedded.
Frank Logan
This is really important because we only share our webpage link to donors, so they are missing out on these payment options. It would benefit everyone to fix this issue. If you can’t do it using an iframe maybe your developers could make a WordPess plugin.