Time limit for Recurring donations
Shalom Goodman
Have an option to set specific durations for recurring plans. For instance, allowing recurring donations to be active for just 6 months and automatically cancel after the final donation in the 6th month.
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Elaine Makikalli
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Laura Winkel
We have had reoccurring donations for years. I would consider creating a toggle to option to set the desired timeframe per organization and not limit this to 6 months 1 year etc. The donor should have that option to choose and not the organization.
Scott Howard
This is a great feature to enable/disable. I can see that it would be great to have this by campaign as well as by contact/household types. Toggling this could be a great way to commit over time but with limits, which conservative/cautious donors would really appreciate.
I get Mike Fowler's comment, "let sleeping <insert aninmal> alone," but also can see that appealing to the closed timeframe can be equally valuable so being able to toggle it and control the narrative seem like a great middle ground on the feature.
Tracy Mauser
If we were talking about pledges, that would be a GREAT feature, but I would not want a time limit on a monthly donation. Thier card expiration date can do that eventually.
Mike Fowler
I think we're better off not bringing this up
Gretchen Miller
This would be a good option.