Add a QR code for the auction link
Stephanie Barnhill
Request to automatically add a QR code that would link directly to the auction page, in addition to the QR code that links to the Page/Event overview page.
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Marijo Cosmas-Monnett
I agree. I have found that most people see the campaign page filled with how to "donate" or our team leaderboard but miss that little button at the top that says "Auction". Not everyone that donates wants to participate in the silent auction and not everyone that wants to bid on the silent auction want to donate. A separate QR code would make it easier on the user and also for marketing purposes.
Andrew Arell
I'd like to be able to export a physical 'tag' to hang next to Art auction items with a QR code directing them to bid on the item on GiveButter. I'd like to export this item tag in various printable dimensions, ideally a 3"x5" card. Information fields I'd like to have on the tag- Item Title, Item description, Donor Name, Starting bid, Bid increments.
Emalee Thitthavong
Also, add a QR code for the auction registration link!
Sunny Ellis
Possibly have a separate URL address for the registration, similar to the URL's to join a campaign
Jonathan Marshall
This would be hugely helpful to have for our auction, which will be in mid September of 2023.
Sara Gladney
if QR codes are not provided for a certain URL through givebutter, we use our Canva account (free for non profits) to create QR codes for any URL.... so for anyone else who see this feature request, you can also use this workaround in the interim to get to the ""
George Richardson
I think this would be appreciated by auction managers but even more by the bidding public, by jumping them right to the item they want to bid on...