Admin ability to manage recurring donations
Tori Meglio
Allow admins the ability to manage and edit recurring donations, sending a confirmation email of the change to the donor.
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Jack Kalla
this is a very important function especially the ability to edit end dates of plans.
Scholar Idjagboro
When we will this feature be available?
Elaine Makikalli
Hi everyone,
The version of this upgrade to recurring plans is currently limited to be able to see more plan details. Allowing admins to edit plans in the dashboard on behalf of the donor is still in the works!
I am updating this status back to planned, but hope you find some initial value in having more visibility into the plan details.
We also hear your feedback on the confusion of the 3-dot dropdown icon to only showing ‘cancel’ as an option. I have relayed this to the team and will fix this as soon as possible!
In the meantime, you can access this side panel by clicking anywhere on the line item, rather than the 3-dot icon.
We appreciate all of your feedback and comments, thank you!
Lauren Creel
Elaine Makikalli, can you give us an update on when this will be complete? We have donors requesting that we increase their monthly donation amount and would love a timeframe for when this will be possible. Thank you!
Brooke Sanders
I don't seem to have that view. It's the same options for me, cancel or leave it alone :)
Elaine Makikalli
Exciting news – we've spruced up the recurring donations tab! Now, when you select a plan, you'll notice a sidebar panel that's full of useful info. Dive in to view all details about payments, contact info, upcoming transactions, and snapshot reporting 🎉
Sara Larson
Elaine Makikalli Great! When will we have the ability to move recurring donations from one campaign to another? This is really important for us!
Caroline Rensel
Elaine Makikalli so can admins actually edit the date or amount of the plan? I can see info, but don't seem to be able to actually manage anything...
Chris Haughee
Elaine Makikalli I have the same question as Caroline... Did you actually address the need? That's not clear in your post/update. But ... You've marked it as complete??
Kathren Murrell Stevenson
Elaine Makikalli
in progress
Brad Nahill
It is baffling to me that Give Butter doesn't offer this automatically. I've used several different platforms and all of them offer this as a default but Give Butter acts like it is an impossible thing. It says "planned" but that was more than 2 months ago.
Sarah Henderson
It would be very helpful if this included giving admins the ability to change the campaign for a recurring donation.
Sara Larson
Yes please!
Liran Cohen
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