Allow import contacts with just email addresses
Yayoi Koizumi
Have the ability to import contacts only containing email addresses. Some newsletter sign-ups from other platforms only ask for email addresses (without first and last names).
Being able to import those email addresses as contacts will help them reach out to the donors via Engage.
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David Diskin
I just realized that I cannot import contacts without a first AND last name -- even when I'm just updating records already in Givebutter.
This was super annoying because I was importing a list of contacts that unsubscribed via Mailchimp, so I could set their Email Subscription flag to false.
Some of Mailchimp's contacts didn't have full names, so I had to populate them with something to unsubscribe them.
I imagine I might also have other potential donors who, on a whim, might want to give us $10 or $20 but don't feel like giving us their full name or even their email address for a receipt. I'd still like to track them.
I'd suggest making EITHER their email, first, or last name a requirement... but not all three. And if Givebutter only has their email address, then show the username part (before the @) as if it were their name in reports and dashboards.
Liran Cohen
Merged in a post:
Import contacts without first and last name
Aja Michael-Keller
To be able to import contacts without first and last names and just import emails or phone numbers
Monica Salvia
Yes, please!
Lea VanMerkestyn
yes please
Mo Maloney
yes please