Integrations & API

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Connect to Print on Demand merch suppliers
If we could connect to a Print on Demand provider like Printify it would be a major boon. This would allow non-profits to provide shirts, etc on-demand without having to hold stock and handle shipping. We could effectively remove the worst part of merch gifts: pre-buying merch gifts/having unused sizes/leftovers. How Print on Demand works: When someone makes an order, it goes direct to a print shop that prints and fulfills/ships. that's it. no holding products. If you could do an integration that would be... AMAZING. Use cases: I'm thinking of it as a donation gift situation. You might see a givebutter type store and people can buy an item knowing that the proceeds go direct as a donation, or when giving a general gift: "At the $50 level you'll receive the [Organization] t-shirt!" and on the backend I could see an "associated gift" selection - so I could multi select "mug, shirt, art print" for someone who gave $xx or just a mug. Or "no gift" Then that triggers to send the order to the printer company/printify So now people can donate by purchasing something the organization designs but the org doesn't need to allocate pre-purchased resources or a "merch person" - frees up capital both $$$ and humans. The big kicker is that technically you can do this by setting up a "woo commerce" store - but as a non-profit that would mean we are selling something, which means we're dealing with profits. We want to just associate a gift and have it sent our direct. So - could be a pretty sweet addition for givebutter to nudge out the premade ecommerce networks for non-profits, so non-profits can be more streamlined and efficient. I would be more than happy to discuss/strategize/test/etc.
Bloomerang Integration Update
We have a Givebutter paid subscription through our Bloomerang contract. We are very pleased overall, but a few aspects of the GB>BR integration are causing extra work on our end. 1) Sometimes we have local businesses or organizations donate, but there is no way to identify these as such through the integration. Since Bloomerang categorizes each constituent as either an individual or organization, this means all constituents that are being migrated over from GB are done so as an individual and we have to manually catch that and change the type over to organization 2) there is something amiss with the way GB sends over the name information IF someone uses a middle initial. E.g. if I entered my name as Mary M Woody while donating through GB, with M being my middle initial, it is landing in Bloomerang as my first name = "Mary M". The issue here is that because Mary is different from Mary M, the BR system doesn't recognize it as a match and is creating a new donor each time 3) the GB transaction ID number is not listed anywhere in the transaction/donation information (e.g. donation Notes section). We have a Finance team here and they need those to match up in a report for their reconciliation. It does appear in the Email interaction Notes, but that doesn't help us when trying to run reports on the transaction. There isn't a way to add that email Interaction into a Transaction report, since they aren't linked in BR in any way, 4) Lastly, it would be wonderful if there were a way to create our own Custom Fields including Transaction based fields and Constituent based fields AND to then match them into BR. Thank you for all that you do - we are very happy with GB and the integration with BR overall.
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